

... the beginning

El Charro is an Italian fashion brand founded in 1966.
In that year, Marcello Murzilli, the son of a paper bag manufacturer, began an import business from the United States and Mexico of casual clothing items, sold in a themed shop in Rome, in via San Giacomo (still open with the El Charro sign). A first phase of success involves the company already in the mid-70s, when the business essentially consists in the sole import of boots and belts from the United States. The company strengthened the brand, its distribution and promotion in the early 1980s. This is the decade that marks a further success for the El Charro brand.
the fashion of the 80s
The 1980s in Italy are the period of the return to life after the terrible years of lead, of the full acceptance of individual freedom, including the right to professional fulfillment and personal gain. It was the decade of commercial television, of the "Milan to drink", of the Paninari and the rampant Yuppies with the spread of new styles and the expansion of consumption. Fashion fully expresses this evolution with an often excessive style that somehow wants to flaunt.
The watchword is to dare, always and in any case with special combinations and bright colors.
i paninari
How can we forget the Paninari, a typically Italian youth movement born in the 1980s in Milan and then spread throughout Italy. He was characterized by his obsession with designer clothing based on certain items of clothing and accessories from well-known Italian or foreign brands and his adherence to a lifestyle based on consumption that involved every aspect of daily life. The Paninari well express the period of the 80s in which young people live with a spirit of optimism and lightheartedness. The Paninari of today are the boys of the 80s who, in addition to retaining the nostalgic memory of that carefree period of their life, have on their shoulders the experience of the following years that has made them adult men and women of today. They still love to meet in the clubs of the center, dressing the clothes and brands of the 80s, with a keen eye for details, accessories, strictly distinctive so as not to go unnoticed ...

the future

Thanks to its history and experience, the EL CHARRO brand always gives us strong emotions. He also wants to do this for the future so that wearing one of his garments, one of his accessories can make you dream ... because dreams don't have time.
The quality, the design, the taste of the EL CHARRO product are legend ...
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